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According to social learning theory, how are behaviours learned?
Behaviours are learned through observation and imitation of others, where reinforcement and punishment of those behaviours may or may not occur.
When evaluating social learning theory, what is a major strength of the theory?
Social learning theory accounts for the influence of environmental factors, as well as the role of social cognition and vicarious learning.
According to the cognitive approach, what is necessary for learning to occur?
Learning requires active processing and interpretation of information using cognitive processes such as attention, perception, and memory.
When evaluating the cognitive approach, what is a major strength of this perspective?
The cognitive approach emphasises the influence of cognitive processes in learning, which allows for more complex and varied interpretations of behaviour.
According to the information processing approach, what is the process of learning?
Learning involves the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information, which progresses from sensory memory, to short-term memory, and finally to long-term memory.
When evaluating the information processing approach, what is a major limitation of this perspective?
The information processing approach mainly focusses on the cognitive processes involved in learning, while ignoring the influence of social and emotional factors.
According to constructivism, how is learning achieved?
Learning is developed through an active, self-directed process of constructing new knowledge and understanding from current knowledge and experiences.
When evaluating constructivism, what is a major strength of this perspective?
Constructivism emphasises the importance of an active, individualised approach to learning and acknowledges the role of prior knowledge in shaping new understanding.
According to situated learning theory, how is knowledge acquired?
Learning is not separate from the contexts and activities in which it occurs. Instead, knowledge is situated within social and physical environments and requires active participation to be fully developed.
When evaluating situated learning theory, what is a major strength of this perspective?
Situated learning theory recognises the importance of social and cultural contexts in shaping knowledge and provides a comprehensive view of learning that goes beyond the individual level.
According to the behaviourist approach, what is the focus of learning?
The behaviourist approach focusses on the observable, measurable behaviour and the environmental factors that influence it.
When evaluating the behaviourist approach, what is a major limitation of this perspective?
The behaviourist approach can be reductionist and does not account for internal and mental processes involved in learning.
According to humanistic psychology, how is learning facilitated?
Learning is facilitated through self-directed growth and development, where individuals have the freedom and potential to reach their full potential.
When evaluating humanistic psychology, what is a major strength of this perspective?
Humanistic psychology emphasises the importance of individual experience and taking a holistic approach to understand human behaviour.
According to Piaget's cognitive development theory, how does knowledge develop?
Knowledge develops through a series of stages of cognitive development, where individuals construct knowledge based on their experience with the world.
When evaluating Piaget's cognitive development theory, what is a major limitation of the theory?
Piaget's cognitive development theory has been criticised for underestimating the role of social and cultural factors in shaping cognitive development.
According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, how does learning occur?
Learning occurs through social interaction and collaboration with more knowledgeable others, where individuals learn from guided participation in meaningful activities.
When evaluating Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, what is a major strength of this perspective?
Vygotsky's sociocultural theory emphasises the importance of cultural and historical contexts in shaping cognitive development and the role of social interaction in learning.
According to behaviour modification theory, how can behaviour be changed?
Behaviour can be changed through the positive and negative reinforcement of desired behaviours and extinction of undesired behaviours.
When evaluating behaviour modification theory, what is a major limitation of the theory?
Behaviour modification theory can be unethical and may not account for the influence of personal agency or internal motivation on behaviour change.

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